Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Are You Ready to Resolve Your Resolutions?

I was considering not doing New Year Resolutions this year.  I've never been really successful at them.  But then, I had a change of heart.  I've heard and read a lot of great advice over the years and I believe if I just follow it, I can make it this year!!  I also am getting older, so my desire to improve myself has been increasing.  Below are my five favorite tips on how to make sure you keep your New Years Resolutions.

1. Ask yourself, are your resolutions realistic?  Try to avoid comparing to others.  Someone might set a goal to lose 200 lbs, or to run a marathon, or to make a million dollars.  If they accomplish those, that is great for them!  But some of those goals are not very realistic depending on our individual situation.  Personally, I do have a resolution to start exercising and be able to run a mile again.  If I say I'll run a marathon...  well, I'll give up very early on because that isn't realistic for me.  Then I probably won't exercise or be able to run a mile by the end of 2017.

2. Start Planning Now.  Decide on your resolutions now and start planning on what you are going to do to act on them.  Don't wait until after the 1st!  Your momentum and desire may not be there if you wait.

3. Have a Structured Plan.  Don't just say you are going to accomplish something.  Create a plan that includes steps on how you will reach it.  Does it involve making time in your schedule?  If so, plan out your future days to make sure you have that time.  Would it help to have steps working up to the goal?  On a personal note, I have made it a resolution to rid of 2017 things from my house during 2017.  So, if I break it down, that is only six items a day.  Now, it doesn't seem so bad, and I have a plan to accomplish it.

4. Find Support,  We are only human and can be easily discouraged or distracted.  Find a personal or a group that will hold you accountable.  If you report progress, they can be your cheerleader.  But they need to be comfortable in pushing you if they see you have fallen behind.  For my resolution of getting rid of 2017 items, I have a Facebook group that is set up primarily for that.  We are instructed to take a picture every day, or list every day, the items we remove from our house.  As far as my goal to be able to exercise, I'm not so sure about that.  I really don't have anyone to make sure I am doing that or to support me.  So, I'm not as optimistic about that.

5. Start new behaviors NOW.  Don't wait until January 1st to start your resolution goals.  If your goal is to lose weight, don't view Christmas as the last HOORAH! before starting a diet.  Start eating healthy now.  I have already started making piles and boxes of things to donate to help me with my resolution.  Haven't exercised yet, but it's been cold. (6th tip: Don't be like me and make excuses!)

Until next time, continue living the #BCOdream!

Casey Mondle

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